our impact

Accelerating the corporate sustainability transformation process is our core business. We help business to be more sustainable which means we need to lead by example and show how sustainability can be lived, even on a small scale such as ours. We identified the following main impact areas where we can contribute to transformational change:

  • Our impact on our employees

  • Our impact on the environment

  • Our impact on society

How do we protect
Labour & Human Rights

100 % …

… Consultants with performance review and career plan

… Female consultants

… Consultants with flexible work arrangements

… Consultants trained on labour practices

0 …

… cases of RSI

… cases child labour

… Discrimination cases

… Consultants trained on labour practices

10 …

… Training hours per consultants per year

How can the
Environment flourish

100 % …

… of green electricity used

… Sites with LED lights

… of recycled batteries and ink cartridges

… Consultants trained on environmental issues

1.386 kWh of electricty and heating used

5 kg of paper waste

80% of clients taken to a minimum of EcoVadis Gold rating

273 kg of Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions

Fair & Ethical Business

100 % …

… Consultants trained in data security measures

… Consultants signed CoC

… Consultants trained on anti-corruption

0 …

… Fines for ethical misconduct

… Data security incidents

… Corruption cases

… Reports through whistleblower mechanism


100 % …

… FSC certified paper

… Energy-efficient IT equipment

… Consultants were trained in sustainable procurement practices

… Suppliers covered by CSR risk analysis

… Suppliers signed SCoC

… Suppliers were selected taking sustainability criteria into account

… Suppliers completed self-assessment form

At Kemi we practice what we preach.